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Tencent's Huanhe Stops Selling NFTs

Image Source : China Visual

BEIJING, August 17 (TMTPOST) -- Tencent's NFT trading platform Huanhe has announced it would no longer release digital collectables to the public.

On Tuesday, Huanhe announced that it would adjust its business structure as the company shifts to focus on its core strategy. From Tuesday, Huanhe will stop publishing digital collections. Users who purchased digital collections through the Huanhe platform, including the Tencent News Digital Collection, can either hold on to them or initiate a refund request.

As the digital collection distribution platform of Tencent Platform and Content Group, Huanhe was officially launched on August 2, 2021. It has been online for over a year and is one of China's largest digital collection platforms.

The market was not surprised by the shutdown of Huanhe. Previously, many people close to Tencent were informed that Tencent intended to adjust the business of its digital collection platform "Huanhe", including laying off workers and changing the business direction, to avoid policy risks, reduce costs and improve efficiency.

Digital collectables are one of the applications of NFT (Non-Fungible Tokens), a unique digital certificate registered in the blockchain, which can be anchored as a digital credential of real objects, and be used to record the ownership of various assets such as virtual collectables, in-game assets, virtual assets, digital artwork, real estate, etc., also making it a recognized entity for tradability of specific assets.

The decision came amid increased scrutiny from Chinese regulators. Last Saturday, ,the Internet Finance Association of China, China Banking Association, and the Securities Association of China jointly issued the "Initiative on Preventing Financial Risks Related to NFT", which requires members to resolutely curb the tendency of financial securitization of NFT, prohibit the issuance of trading financial products through NFT, and prompt consumers to resist NFT speculation and not to invest directly or indirectly in NFT.





游戏日报讯 3月19日消息,柳叶刀工作室在《边境》官博发出最新视频并表示“久等了,《边境》活了”,根据视频中透露出的时间线,这款产品或将于4月份发售。2014年腾讯游戏原有的八大工作室拆分重组,琳琅天上被并入天美,而柳叶刀工作室正是由CEO李鸣渤与前琳琅天上工作室部分成员合伙组建(如《逆战》项目负责人之一的崔永


本栏目由游戏日报出品,主要覆盖游戏产业链热点事件和行业未来趋势相关内容。本文为第547期,如有建议或想分享的观点,欢迎联系我们。  焦点消息 去年10月份,腾讯《QQ炫舞》被A-SOUL官方点名游戏内的发型侵权A-SOUL成员嘉然,事后《QQ炫舞》选择了道歉并全面下架。没想到一年后“这个场子”被网易给找回来



